Open Door Dharma Circle
Second Sunday Gatherings
Friends Meeting House, 4312 SE Stark, Room 12
Sunday, June 9, 3:00–about 5:15 pm
All are welcome. Masking is not required at this time.
The room is carpeted and chairs are available. You’re welcome to bring a cushion for floor-sitting if you like. Some time in silence, some chanting, and reflection. The path of love, kindness, and service shared by Ram Dass and Neem Karoli Baba and others is the heart of these gatherings.
We share stillness and simple bhakti and Buddhist chants, and reflect on teachings from a range of traditions. Later we enjoy tea, simple prasad, and conversation. Questions? Contact us. Open Door gatherings are open to all. If you’re inclined, dana (donation) is welcome in a basket near the door or online.
Open Door Afternoons are softly shaped along this general contour:
3:00–4:00 Settle in for an hour of chanting, silent sitting, and dharma reflection, turning our attention to the field of the heart — our inherent loving awareness, as Ram Dass called it.
Stretch and Tea break Chai and sweet & savory prasad are on hand, as we stretch and shift to shared reflections. You’re welcome to bring “finger foods” to share (there’s no kitchen access).
4:15 Being alive here and now, for 45 minutes. We share brief check-ins on how it is, being here now, in our hearts and in a world turning upside down.

To learn more about our programs, visit our homepage, or contact us.
To support Living Earth, click here. You can direct your support to our ongoing programs, community events, dharma practice, or mutual aid/community care.
~ Generosity flowing keeps the dharma wheel turning ~
Living Earth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit social benefit organization, IRS # 93-1331068. Your contribution is tax deductible per IRS rules. For cash or check contributions, please request a written receipt at the event.