Open Door Satsang Sundays 9:30–11:30 am 3841 SE 51st Ave., Portland Our Sunday morning dharma circle is a time for singing simple kirtan and Hanuman Chalisas, chanting mantra, and a quiet period of meditation. These circles are offered in the spirit of devotion, kindness, service, and love, …
July 4: Interdependence Picnic!
Celebrate Interdependence on July 4 : Potluck Picnic at Mount Tabor July 4, 5:00–7:30 pm ~ Mount Tabor East, Area B (facing Mt. Hood) On July 4, Living Earth celebrates the interconnectedness and interdependence of all beings. We are all one, interdependent and inseparable on this tiny blue …
June 14: Brown Bag Day
Everyone needs to eat, right? Everyone. No questions, no judgement — just food. Brown Bag Day Friday, June 14, 2019: 8:30 AM (food prep), and 10 AM– Noon (give away) Friends Meeting House, 4312 Southeast Stark Street, Portland [MAP] Come lend a hand. First, we make 100-125 nourishing …