VOTE November 6, or before. Register now if you haven't, and vote. However frail our democracy, however far short our system falls of our ideals, the vote is one important tool we can wield to shape the future of our country. It's an imperfect tool, but it matters. This fall, it matters a …
Oct. 14–17 Retreat: Loving, Living, Dying
Loving, Living, Dying: Autumn Practice October 14-17, 2018 | Breitenbush Hot Springs | Detroit, Oregon Our lives tumble in streams of love, joy, and wonder. And they plunge through rocky chasms of pain, distress, loss, and letting go. In this retreat, we'll explore nuances and shades of the …
Brown Bags: Friday September 14
Our Brown Bag program is simple: No questions, no judgement. Just food. 8:30 am to 12 noon on the second Friday of every month. Join us at 8:30 am to prepare food at Friends Meeting House, 4312 Southeast Stark Street, Portland[MAP]. From 10:00 am to 12 noon, help deliver lunches to people on …