Welcome to Living Earth!
Donate now to support our programs.
Every gift nourishes Living Earth. Add a note if there’s a particular program area you want to support:
- Keep the Wheel Turning: Support for all Living Earth activities.
- Water & Warmth for Warm Springs: 100% of these donations support periodic delivery of clothing and potable water to the Warm Springs Tribal Community, fostering wellness, resilience, and solidarity.
- Dharma Offerings: Meditations, workshops, retreats, and contemplative opportunities that nurture balance and stability, compassion and community.
- Resilience Gatherings: Potlucks and opportunities to connect and share great veg/vegan meals, and to discuss issues and listen generously to others, enriching community as we go.
- Community Care and Social Action: Since mid-2020, our Community Care and Compassionate Action offerings have focused on supporting the community at Warm Springs. See * below for more background about these activities.
- Special Events: Winter Solstice Celebrations, Summer Picnics, and larger events during the year that are offered by sliding scale.
- Workshops and retreats: Opportunities to step away from our daily concerns, roles, and routines and look deeply at the whole sphere of being human: the beauty of the Earth and the joy of life, and at impermanence, grief, and letting go. These events are always offered on a sliding scale.
- Inclusivity Scholarship Fund: Your gift will enable youth and others who are struggling financially to attend retreats, workshops, and special events. Our scholarships enable anyone short of means for any reason to participate in our programs, because everyone matters.
You can support Living Earth today with a one-time donation.
- Living Earth opposes violence, war, fascism, racism, bigotry, and oppression in any form.
- We support skillful, compassionate action throughout society to nurture resilience, cooperation, and community.
- We support nonviolent resistance to injustice and abuses of power.
- Our programs are based on principles of interdependence and co-arising, to foster kindness and insight and responsible action to care for all places and beings whose presence enrich this living earth.
Become a “Best Friend” of Living Earth with a monthly pledge.
Monthly pledges from $8 to $108 keep us going and keep our programs stable. Decide on a gift that works for you and we’ll walk together no matter what. Because that’s what best friends do!
Thank you for nurturing seeds of peace, justice, beauty, and balance in our world. We are a Portland-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit, social benefit organization, per IRS certification, #93-1331068.
- A note on our service programs: From 2008 to 2020, Living Earth volunteers responded to the urgent needs of unhoused folks across Portland, providing winter warmth and home-prepared food year-round out on the streets or for those living in tenuous circumstances. Our Brown Bags delivered thousands of healthy, home-made meals across the city to folks under bridges and in doorways. Our Winter Warming project provided more than 10,000 hand crafted warm items to folks in need. Since 2021, most of our service has been focused on providing support for the tribal community at Warm Springs Reservation. In 2025, with support from our members and donors, our service programs will evolve and grow. Questions? Contact us here.