Thursday, July 25, 5:30–7:30 pm At Cully Grove Cohousing Common House 4045–4085 NE Going St. (on the north side of Going) Cully Grove is mobility-accessible . Follow the path through the housing area, and look for the blue Common House, with its open patio area and picnic tables. That’ll be us! All are welcome.
Bring a dish to share (enough for 4–6) or fresh fruit, sweets, flowers—whatever strikes your fancy. Veg and vegan fare is encouraged, but we are not exclusive. We’ll all name our ingredients so everyone can eat what is healthiest and happiest for them.
Come to enjoy good food and good folks, with lively, thoughtful conversations that sow seeds of connection, community, and resilience. After dinner, our discussion will touch on challenges facing our city and the world, our concerns, and how we envision skillful responses going forward.
Friday Night Potlucks
Starting Friday September 20, monthly potlucks will return to Friends Meeting House. As the election gets closer and tensions rise, compassion, stability, generosity, and a light sense of humor will be vital tools. These evenings will sometimes include speakers or videos, and opportunities to listen and learn, and consider ways to engage.
Living Earth potlucks are always open to all, but if you are able to put $5, $10, or $20, in the basket, it will help keep these events happening. If your budget is lean, no worries. No one’s keeping track and everyone is welcome. Or you can donate online, whether a one-time gift or to start a pledge.
Living Earth is a registered nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible per IRS guidelines, whether you chip in at the event or online; check with your tax preparer for details. Information about our programs, pledges, and designating your donation is on our donation page. Our IRS ID number is #93-1331068.