Sunday, Sept. 22, 5:30–7:30 pm At the Friends Meeting House, 4312 SE Stark, Portland Bring your heart, your voice, and a tasty dish if you can, and join us.
The venue is fully accessible. Masks are not required at this time.
Living Earth’s veg/vegan potlucks always mean good food, friendly folks, and thoughtful conversation. Together, we sow seeds of resilience, community, and compassion. Bring a dish to share for 5 or 6, or seasonal fruit, dessert, a few flowers, or just yourself!
After supper, we’ll turn our conversation to challenges facing our region and the world, here and now. Especially in a time of social and geopolitical tension, gathering in community refreshes our intentions, sparks creativity, and enhances our capacity to respond skillfully to whatever is at hand.
Monthly Sunday evening potlucks are scheduled between September and February—dates will be announced soon. With after-dinner discussion themes and possibly guest speakers, we’ll explore timely topics through the lenses of courage, compassion, a sprinkling of humor, and principles of engaged spirituality that are fundamental to Living Earth.
Our potlucks are free to all, but if you’re inclined to drop $5 or $15, or $25 in the basket, it’s welcome. No one is keeping track, so if your budget is lean, don’t let that stop you. Your interest and presence are appreciated, and we’d love to keep the gatherings going.
Support for Living Earth is tax-deductible per our IRS nonprofit, social benefit status, whether you contribute online or at an event. It’s easy and secure to give online, and to start a pledge if that works for you. More information is on our donation page; our IRS nonprofit certification is #93-1331068.