(Usually on Second Sundays)
Open Door Dharma Circle
Sunday, February 9 ~ 2:30–4:30 pm
Friends Meeting House, 4312 SE Stark, Room 12
All are welcome.
Join us for meditation, chanting, and reflection, followed by chai and light prasad, and community conversation. The Meeting House is fully accessible and the room is carpeted, with comfortable chairs.
The afternoon
2:30–3:30 Settling in the heart. An hour of simple chanting, reflection, and sitting in the bhakti and Buddhist traditions shared by Ram Dass, Neem Karoli Baba, and other teachers. The heart of our practice encompasses simple mindful awareness, lovingkindness, and compassion.
3:30–4:30 Living here and now. Time to check in, ask questions, reflect on teachings in light of our lives and the world here and now, on this beautiful and beleaguered Earth.
You’re welcome to come at 2:30 just for practice, or at 3:30 for prasad and conversation, or join us for the whole afternoon. Questions? Please contact us.
The spirit of dana—or appreciation and generosity—keeps the dharma wheel turning. Gifts and pledges to Living Earth can be designated to support workshops and retreats, dharma practice, or other programs, including our community service activities, and social engagement. Contributions are tax deductible per IRS rules. Living Earth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit social benefit organization, IRS # 93-1331068.