Open Door Dharma Circle
Second Sunday Gatherings
Friends Meeting House, 4312 SE Stark, Room 12
Sunday, May 12, 3:00–5:30 pm
All are welcome.
May 12 happens to be Mother’s Day, and flowers, or mementos or photos of your mother or mother-figures are welcome for the altar. The room is carpeted and chairs are available—for floor sitting, byo cushion if you like. Masking is not required at this time.
We settle quietly to chant simple chants, sit in stillness, and reflect, share, and connect in community. And to enjoy tea, prasad, and conversation, too. These gatherings are offered by dana (donation, if you are inclined). This helps pay for space rental and prasad, and is much appreciated, but not at all required. Dana can be offered online or at the door. Questions? Contact us.
Open Door Afternoons
3:00–4:15 Settle quietly to rest in the moment. Chanting, simple sitting, and dharma reflection turn our attention to the field of the heart — loving awareness, as Ram Dass called it.
4:15–4:30 Tea break Chai and sweet & savory prasad is on hand, as we stretch and shift to shared reflections. You’re welcome to bring “finger foods” to share (there’s no kitchen access).
4:30–5:30 Being here now. We ease into conversation, and how we’re doing in the world, in these times, here and now. The path of joy, love and service shared by Ram Dass and Neem Karoli Baba is at the heart of the these gatherings.

The Five Precepts*
- The precious and fleeting nature of life
- Generosity with time, attention, and resources
- Responsibility for our actions and their impacts on others
- Mindful speech and language in writing, speaking, and listening
- Mindful choices regarding food, medicines, and intoxicants and the products and media that we consume
* For a Future to Be Possible, Thich Nhat Hanh
On our donation page you can designate how your want your support directed. Living Earth relies entirely on dana (generosity), to pay for space rental, community programs, mutual aid, and support for all that we do. If you’d like to know more about our programs, please contact us.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, social benefit organization, IRS # 93-1331068. Your contribution online, by check, or in person is tax deductible per IRS rules. For cash or check contributions, please ask for a written receipt at the event.