Thursday Open Door Dharma Circle
Tuesday, March 20 ~ 3:00–5:00 pm
Friends Meeting House, 4312 SE Stark, Upstairs, Room 21
All are welcome. Take the elevator or stairs to the second floor.
Join us for meditation, chanting, and reflection, followed by chai and friendly conversation. Please bring your own closed container for water or tea upstairs. The Meeting House is fully accessible and the room is carpeted, with comfortable chairs.
The afternoon
3:00–4:00 Settling in the heart. Our practice encompasses mindful awareness, lovingkindness, and compassion. For an hour or so, we share simple chanting and sitting meditation in the bhakti and Buddhist traditions shared by Ram Dass, Neem Karoli Baba, and many treasured teachers across lineages.
4:00 to 5:00 A slight break as we stretch and get tea. Then we shift to dharma dialogue, reflecting on practice and on teachings, and consider how they apply in our lives here and now. It’s a warm, thoughtful opportunity to be in community and explore the wisdom and practices left for us across time and cultures — treasures we can use to navigate the world today, here and now, on our beautiful but beleaguered home that we call Earth.
Come at 3:00 for the whole afternoon, or later, around 4:00, for dharma diaglogue, community, and conversation. Questions? Please contact us.
Open Door Dharma Gatherings are freely offered and all are welcome, but if you feel inclined, a jar for donations is available.
The spirit of dana—appreciative generosity—has kept the dharma wheel turning for countless generations. Whether a donation into the jar or a gift or pledge given online, your contribution to Living Earth can keep the dharma circles going or support workshops and retreats, community gatherings and potlucks, or our service projects and social engagement.
Contributions are tax deductible per IRS rules, and we welcome your support.
Living Earth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit social benefit organization, IRS # 93-1331068.