To paraphrase the Buddhist vow: Wounds are numberless; we vow to tend them all. With so much anguish and pain, remember that all the rivers and oceans of the world are made of tiny mists and drops falling into streams, joining each other, flowing and rising together. All our responses, personal or …
POSTPONED! (3/15 Dharma Gathering)
THIS EVENT IS POSTPONED: A member of the household is in self-isolation due to heightened respiratory vulnerability to Covid-19. Open Door Dharma Gathering Kirtan/Meditation 3:30-4:45 pm Potluck & Debate Watch: 5:00–7:30 pm Hanuman Casita PDX 3841 SE 51st Ave., 2 blks south of …
Sun. 3/8: Open Door Kirtan Meditation
Sunday March 8: 10 am–12 noon 3841 SE 51st, PDX Join us for a simple, home-style satsang gathering, with kirtan, dharma discussion, and sitting meditation. We chant in bhakti mode and reflect on dharma teachings from timeless wisdom traditions, followed by sitting meditation. These circles hold the …