Stories and Memories #lovingramdass #loveserveremember Sun. 12/29: 4pm–7pm 3841 SE 51st, PDX 4-5:30 Chanting and reflecting together. 5:30-7-ish Potluck supper, stories and connection, until 7 or whenever we're done. Ram Dass's impact on each person he touched was deeply personal, yet …
Dec. 21 Winter Solstice Celebration
Winter Solstice Gathering Artist Toni Pahr will create a beautiful mandala for our candle ceremony. Saturday, Dec. 21, 2019, 7:30–9:30 pm Doors open at 7:00 pm Friends Meeting House 4312 Southeast Stark St. (map) Tickets here. All are welcome. Suggested donation is $20, sliding up or down, …
Dec. 1 & Dec. 15: Open Door Kirtan, Dharma talks, and Meditation
Sundays 12/1 and 12/15: 9:30 am–11:30 am at 3841 SE 51st, PDX A Sunday home-style satsang gathering, with kirtan and chanting, dharma dialogue, and a half-hour sitting meditation. We chant in western bhakti mode and reflect on dharma teachings from timeless wisdom traditions, followed by …