Most Sundays 9:30–11:30 am (See dates above) 3841 SE 51st Ave., Portland Dharma Circle on Sunday morning includes simple kirtan and chanting, with dharma reflections, followed by a half-hour silent sitting. These circles are offered in the spirit of devotion, kindness, service, and love, …
Oct. 13–16 | Loving, Living, Dying: Turning Toward Home
Loving, Living, Dying: Turning Toward Home October 13-16, 2019 | Breitenbush Hot Springs | Detroit, Oregon Impermanence and change shape the contours of every life. They confront us in shattered dreams and crumbling beliefs; in the loss of a job, or health, or a home; in the death of a …
Aug. 4 &11 : Open Door Satsang | Kirtan | Dharma Circle
Open Door Satsang Most Sundays 9:30–11:30 am 3841 SE 51st Ave., Portland Dharma circle on Sunday mornings for singing simple kirtan and Hanuman Chalisas, dharma reflection, and silent meditation. These circles are offered in the spirit of devotion, kindness, service, and love, following Ram …